Blog Life Updates

Another Bump in the Road: Delaying IVF

As most of you may know, Lance and I have been given the opportunity to do IVF with a grant. We were so excited to be starting this month in June.
I had a saline ultrasound on Friday the 26th of May where they found polyps in my uterus. On this past Wednesday, I had surgery to undergo a polypectomy to remove the polyps and a D&C to clean out my uterus. I had three small polyps and they took a biopsy on my endometrial cells. I have been diagnosed with hyperplasia without atypia.
The good that I have seen in this is that atypia means that there are no cancerous cells present, and we were able to catch it. If I were to get pregnant (which would be near impossible because the egg would probably not fertilize or implant due to the structure of things) I would have had a higher chance of miscarrying with this diagnosis. We have no clue how long this has been happening and if it has been the reason for not being able to get pregnant. So we are grateful to find it out now.

We are still hopeful, it is just hard to have plans and then have them ripped out from under you all of the time. Let alone the stress of timing, thereโ€™s also the physical and emotional toll this all takes on both of us. Lance is a trooper dealing with me and my hormonal self ๐Ÿ˜… We are very grateful to Baby Quest for being understanding as this was not in our control and they are willing to wait and help us still.

So the plan is that I will be taking progesterone for 4 weeks and then I will have a follow up biopsy to check the endometrial cells again to see if I can continue with IVF. Then I will hopefully start the IVF process in July.

Prior to surgery

Prayer requests:

-clean and clear biopsy in four weeks after hormone supplementation

-healthy recovery after polypectomy and D&C surgery

-peace, hope, and faith for the future

As always, thank you for being our support system and holding us up when we need it. It really takes a village. Thanks for reading this!
Iโ€™ll keep you posted.


3 replies on “Another Bump in the Road: Delaying IVF”

Hugs and prayers for a healthy speedy recovery. Baby Roseland is already so loved my prayers your journey will start in July!!

Love you and am praying for you to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May he continue to walk that road with you as he has been, giving you that strength and guidance, support and when that time is right, the baby you so long to hold and and his forever grace. Praise the Lord for he is with you.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ

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